Navid Assi
PhD Student, Laboratory for Emerging Energy Research, University of Waterloo
Research Interests: Nanomaterial synthesis, characterization, and application, Nanotechnology for energy, Application of emerging energy in space.
Thesis: Combustion of novel material for special applications in Space and underwater.

Samuel Bouffard
MSc Student
Department of Applied Geomatics,
Université de Sherbrooke
Research Interests: Remote sensing, geomatic, physical geography, planetary surface process & space exploration.
Thesis: What are the most promising lunar landing sites for the Canadian micro-rover that will travel to the lunar South Pole in 2025?

Alex Camon
MSc Student
Department of Geomatics, Université de Sherbrooke
Research Interests: Geomatics, radiative transfer modeling, lunar mineralogy

Stephanie Connell
PhD Student
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Purdue University
Research Interests: Planetary analogues, planetary surface geology/mineralogy, spectroscopy, space weathering, Mars rover operations, Mars and small solar system bodies, and space exploration.

Frédéric Diotte
MSc Student
Department of Geomatics, Université de Sherbrooke
Research Interests: Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, geomatics, remote sensing, volatiles, exploration.
Thesis: Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for the identification and quantification of volatiles and highly siderophile elements in the lunar regolith.

Samuel Gagnon
MSc Student
Department of Applied Geomatics, Université de Sherbrooke
Research Interests: Remote sensing and lunar impact melts.
Thesis: Mapping of impact melts at the lunar south pole.

Cailin Gallinger
PhD Student
Department of Earth Sciences/Institute for Earth and Space Exploration
University of Western Ontario
Research Interests: Long-wavelength remote sensing (thermal infrared-radar), geophysical modelling for inversion of planetary material properties, impact cratering.
Thesis: Three-dimensional structure and breakdown of lunar impact melt deposits from thermal infrared and radar remote sensing.

Jamie Graff
PhD Student
Department of Earth Sciences/Institute for Earth and Space Exploration
University of Western Ontario
Research Interests: Impact cratering, volcanism, digital image analysis, planetary surface geology, icy satellites, outer solar system bodies.
Thesis: Examining physical characteristics of impactites and impact crater ejecta, how their morphology and processes of formation relate to terrestrial volcanic deposits, and how this comparison can help us better describe, classify, and name impactites.

Jack Hostrawser
MSc Student
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Western Ontario
Research Interests: Lunar geology and in-situ resource utilization

Marc Mechem
MSc Student
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Western Ontario
Research Interests: Impact cratering processes, shock metamorphism, and lunar geology

Tatiana Mijajlovic
MSc Student
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences,
University of Alberta
Research Interests: Lunar meteorites, shock metamorphism, and impact craters.
Thesis: Identifying potential source crater candidates for unbrecciated lunar basaltic meteorites through shock characterization.

Julia McMenamin
PhD Student
Department of Psychology/Institute for Earth and Space Exploration, University of Western Ontario
Research Interests: Teams at work; teamwork during simulation exercises in space exploration and healthcare contexts; entrepreneurship
Thesis: Teamwork during simulations of space exploration

Radhika Saini
MSc Student
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences,
University of Alberta
Research Interests: Meteorites, regolith evolution, and Raman spectroscopy.
Thesis: Accessing the degree of evolution in the regolith breccia meteorites from the Moon, Mars, and 4 Vesta, using Raman spectroscopy.

Kevin Sankar
MASc Student
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Carleton University
Research Interests: Space Robotics, In-Situ Resource Utilization, Robotics Control, Space Exploration
Thesis: 3D Printing Mechatronics Components for Reconfigurable Robotics

Ananya Srivastava
PhD Student
Department of Earth Sciences,
University of Western Ontario
Research Interests: VNIR Spectroscopy, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, Lunar and Martian Geology

Ashka Thaker
PhD Student
Department of Earth Sciences/Institute for Earth and Space Exploration,
University of Western Ontario
Research Interests: Impact cratering and radar imaging.
Thesis: Multiwavelength analysis of lunar radar dark halo craters.

Anjana Valsalan
MASc. Student
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Carleton University
Research Interests: Space Robotics, Solar Power Satellites, Lunar Resource Utilization
Thesis: Multi-Material 3D Printing of a Magnetron for Use in Solar Power Satellites

Xavier Walls
PhD Student
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Carleton University
Research Interests: In -situ resource utilization, space chemistry, materials science, analytical techniques, additive manufacturing
Thesis: Metallic Aluminum Production From A Highland Simulant Using Electrochemistry and its Utilization As Feedstock For Additive Manufacturing On The Moon