Neeraja Chinchalkar
PhD Student
Research Technician/Electron Microprobe Analyst, University of Western Ontario
Research Interests: Impact cratering processes, shock metamorphism, and planetary analogues.
Thesis: Impactites of West Clearwater impact structure, Quebec, Canada

Tara Hayden
Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Earth Sciences/Institute for Earth and Space Exploration,
University of Western Ontario
Research Interests: Lunar meteorites, shock metamorphism, impact craters, and lunar volatiles.
Patrick Hill
Program Scientist
Canadian Space Agency
Research Areas:Planetary material curation, meteorite classification, stable isotope geochemistry, lunar geology and geochemistry, impact processes.

Yaozhu Li
PhD Student
Postdoctoral Fellow, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Research Interests: Meteorite mineralogy, petrology, and shock deformation.
Gavin Tolometti
Postdoctoral Researcher/Outreach High School Program Coordinator
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Western Ontario
Research Area: Lunar geology, planetary and terrestrial remote sensing, planetary surface processes (impact cratering and volcanism), terrestrial analogues