Gordon Osinski
Department of Earth Sciences/Institute for Earth and Space Exploration,
University of Western Ontario
Research Areas: Planetary geology, in particular impact cratering processes and shock metamorphism, analogue field work, and astrobiology
Myriam Lemelin
Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Geomatics,
Université de Sherbrooke
Research Interests: Remote sensing, geomatics, geology/mineralogy, volatiles, exploration, and spatial analysis

Pooneh Maghoul
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering,
Polytechnique Montréal
Research Interests: Mechanics of multiphase porous media, computational mechanics, fundamental behaviors of geomaterials, Northern infrastructure, permafrost, transportation geotechnics, wave analysis, geohazards, renewable geothermal energy, non-destructive testing techniques, soil-structure interaction, bio-inspired solutions toward sustainable and smart geotechnics
Ed Cloutis
Professor / Director: Centre for Terrestrial and Planetary Exploration (C-TAPE)
Department of Geography,
University of Winnipeg
Research Areas: Planetary remote sensing and spectroscopy, and lunar mapping.