Academic Members

Gordon Osinski
Department of Earth Sciences/Institute for Earth and Space Exploration,
University of Western Ontario
Research Areas: Planetary geology, in particular impact cratering processes and shock metamorphism, analogue field work, and astrobiology

Pascal Audet
Assistant Professor
Department of Earth Sciences,
University of Ottawa
Research Areas: Gravity and topography of the terrestrial planets. Lithospheric and thermal structure of the Moon.

Greg Baiden
Canadian Research Chair
Robotics and Mine Automation,
Laurentian University
Research Areas: Robotic Mining and Construction, Undersea and Lunar Mining, Lunar Mobility, Prospecting, and Exploration

Timothy Barfoot
Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS),
University of Toronto
Research Areas: Rovers to support planetary science and exploration.

Stephen Braham
Director, PolyLAB for Advanced Collaborative Networking,
Simon Fraser University
Research Areas: Solar System exploration systems, mission operations infrastructure, spaceflight communications, networking, computing and software systems, life and mission-critical infrastructure, human and robotic space mission design, collaborative systems, spaceflight cloud computing, analogue exploration science and support, spaceflight communications physics.

Peter Brown
Professor/Canada Research Chair
Department of Physics and Astronomy/Institute for Earth and Space Exploration
University of Western Ontario
Research Areas: Small bodies of the Solar System.

Ed Cloutis
Professor / Director: Centre for Terrestrial and Planetary Exploration (C-TAPE)
Department of Geography,
University of Winnipeg
Research Areas: Planetary remote sensing and spectroscopy, and lunar mapping.

Mike Daly
Associate Professor
Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering,
York University
Research Areas: Planetary science instrumentation.

Mike Dixon
Professor/Director of CESRF
Department of Environmental Biology,
University of Guelph
Research Areas: Biological life support for food production, atmosphere, revitalization and water recycling.

Alex Ellery
Professor/Canada Research Chair
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering,
Carleton University
Research Areas: Planetary rovers, robotic manipulators, planetary drilling, roboticised science, instrument development, and in-situ resource utilization.

Roberta Flemming
Department of Earth Sciences/Institute for Earth and Space Exploration,
University of Western Ontario
Research Areas: Mineralogy of meteorites

Thomas Graham
Assistant Professor/PhytoGro Research Chair in Controlled Environment Systems
Department of Environmental Sciences,
University of Guelph
Research Areas: Plant sciences, and bioregenerative life-support systems for human space exploration.

John Greenough
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
University of British Columbia Okanagan
Research Areas: Petrology, geochemistry, planetary evolution, exploratory statistics, and basalts.

Ioannis Haranas
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Computer Science,
Wilfrid Laurier University
Research Areas: Solar System dynamics, planetary science, gravity, and Martian dust storms.

Christopher Herd
Professor and Curator
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences,
University of Alberta
Research Areas: Mineralogy and petrology of meteorites, curation and handling of pristine planetary samples, sample return missions.

Catherine L. Johnson
Associate Professor
Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences,
University of British Columbia
Research Areas: Planetary geophysics.

Myriam Lemelin
Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Geomatics,
Université de Sherbrooke
Research Interests: Remote sensing, geomatics, geology/mineralogy, volatiles, exploration, and spatial analysis

Pooneh Maghoul
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering,
Polytechnique Montréal
Research Interests: Mechanics of multiphase porous media, computational mechanics, fundamental behaviors of geomaterials, Northern infrastructure, permafrost, transportation geotechnics, wave analysis, geohazards, renewable geothermal energy, non-destructive testing techniques, soil-structure interaction, bio-inspired solutions toward sustainable and smart geotechnics

Ian Mann
Professor/Co-Director Institute for Space Science, Exploration and Technology
Department of Physics
University of Alberta/CRC Space Physics
Research Areas: Space plasma physics, relativistic particle acceleration in space, solar-terrestrial and solar-planetary interactions

Phil McCausland
Adjunct Research Professor/Director, Western Paleomagnetic and Petrophysical Laboratory
Department of Earth Sciences,
University of Western Ontario
Research Areas: Paleomagnetism and physical properties of meteorites, for irradiation, magnetization, impact, and atmospheric entry studies.

Ken McIsaac
Associate Professor and Department Chair
Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Western Ontario
Research Areas: Mobile robotics, motion planning, robot locomotion, and assistive devices.

Liam Morrissey
Associate Professor
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Research Areas: Space weathering in particular solar wind-induced sputtering, volatile deposition and diffusion, multiscale analytical simulations, materials, and molecular dynamics.

Catherine Neish
Associate Professor
Department of Earth Sciences/Institute for Earth and Space Exploration,
University of Western Ontario
Research Areas: Orbital radar observations, icy moons, and planetary surface processes; particular focus on impact cratering.

Eric Pilles
Research Coordinator
Department of Earth Sciences/Institute for Earth and Space Exploration,
University of Western Ontario
Research Areas: Planetary geology, impact cratering processes, and Mars geology

Wayne Pollard
Associate Professor
Department of Geography,
McGill University
Research Areas: Polar desert geomorphology, planetary analogues, shallow geophysics, and geologic mapping.

Joan Saary
Director, Division of Occupational Medicine
Department of Medicine,
University of Toronto
Research Areas: Occupational medicine, aerospace medicine, and medical monitoring of astronauts

Gordon Sarty
Department of Psychology and Health Studies,
University of Saskatchewan
Research Areas: Magnetic resonance imaging for astronauts

Sean Shieh
Department of Earth Sciences,
University of Western Ontario
Research Areas: Structure and dynamics of planetary interiors and material study at extreme conditions.

Phil Stooke
Associate Professor
Department of Geography,
University of Western Ontario
Research Areas: Cartography, planetary geology, and space history.

Michael Stasiak
Technical Operations Manager/Senior Research Associate
Department of Environmental Sciences,
University of Guelph
Research Areas: Plant physiology, advanced life support, and development, engineering, construction, and operation of specialized plant growth changes.

Peter Suedfled
Dean Emeritus of Graduate Students/Professor Emeritus of Psychology
Department of Psychology,
University of British Columbia
Research Areas: Psychological adaptation to extreme, unusual and isolated environments.

Kimberly Tait
Senior Curator of Mineralogy/Assistant Professor
Department of Natural History/Department of Geology,
Royal Ontario Museum/University of Toronto
Research Areas: Crystallography, mineralogy, high-pressure mineralogy, and neutron & X-ray diffraction.

Lucy Thompson
Senior Research Scientist
Planetary and Space Science Centre,
University of New Brunswick
Research Areas: Impact cratering, lunar and Martian materials.

Livio Leonardo Tornabene
Research Scientists
Department of Earth Sciences,
University of Western Ontario
Research Areas: Planetary and terrestrial remote sensing, Mars geology, and impact cratering.

Theresa Rondeau Vuk
Program Manager
Controlled Environment Systems Research Facility,
University of Guelph
Research Areas: Environmental science.

Paul Wiegert
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Western Ontario
Research Areas: Asteroids, comets, and lunar impact rates.